Attending Emberconf

Can my significant other join for Monday activities?

Absolutely! They'll need their own tickets, but you're welcome to buy one for them. Should there be a conference afterparty, we'll also make SO tickets available to that.

I'm a nursing mom; can you make accomodations for my needs?

We can indeed! Please reach out to let us know if you'll be attending and needing a Mother's Room or bringing your baby (or both!). We can make a private Mother's Room available and would love to hear about how else we can help.

Nursing babies are welcome. Please be considerate of your fellow attendees and step out of session rooms when the baby is noisy (it happens :p). We're also happy to set up reserved seating for you, so should you need to step out, your seat will be waiting for you when you return.

Can you accommodate my need for special meals?

We'll certainly try! You'll be asked about dietary needs on your registration form. Please be specific about your needs, and preferences vs allergies, as they require different accomodations and vendors.

Is Kosher food available in Portland?

For lunch at the conference, the venue will provide special kosher meals. If you'd like to explore other things, especially if you're considering staying in Portland for a few extra days, feel free to reach out for more info on local options.

It may require an Uber or two, but there's a Glatt Kosher takeout counter (with a full time mashgiach), a bakery, and a Cafe (Cholov Stam and Pareve), all in the Southwest. There's also a Jewish Community Center and Chabad chapter, both of which may be of assistance. They can also help track down a daily minyan if needed.

The training or activity I want to attend is sold out. What can I do?

Ack, sorry! On the bright side, we have small, intimate groups for activities and trainings. On the less bright side, that means they can sell out fast.

If the training you want is sold out, add yourself to the corresponding waitlist here. Should anyone be looking for a transfer, or a second group be opened up, we'll reach out.

Will there be childcare on-site?

Childcare will be available on Tuesday and Wednesday—both regular conference days, via Seattle-based, Mom-owned Big Time Kid Care. The childcare room is just downstairs from the conference so you can visit as often as you'd like.

When registering for your ticket, be sure to check off the box indicating interest in childcare. We'll then get in touch with all the details.

Space is limited.

Are there any special opportunities for students?

Yes. Each year, we award free admission to students and those who might otherwise be unable to attend EmberConf. The application period runs from December 1 — January 15, or until we award all available tickets.

The 2018 application window has closed.

Refunds and transfers

  • Refund Availability

    Refunds on conference tickets are available until February 1, 2018, 11:59pm PST. After that, tickets can only be transferred. Training and Activity tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred until the transfer deadline of March 1st, 2018, 11:59pm PST.

  • Transferring your ticket

    To transfer tickets from one Training or Activity to another, use the default Eventbrite UI. The deadline for all ticket transfers, conference, training and activity alike, is March 1, 2018, 11:59pm PST.

    DevSwag Merchandise Orders are not refundable, but can be picked up by alternate authorized contacts on-site at EmberConf. If you order merchandise but later cancel your registration, please reach out to us via email to authorize some other specific attendee to retrieve your order.

    Transfer your ticket to someone else